星期四, 12月 15, 2011

WiFi Photo Transfer || wireless download iPhone camera roll

iPhone 4也使用了半年的時間了,其實這中間並沒有什麼讓我驚豔的地方

而在明天12/16台灣電信代理商開始出售Apple iPhone 4s,就目前我的使用來說是不會想特別去升級的
不是說iPhone 4s不好而是iPhone4目前就已經符合我的使用需求了。

我還真不知道該怎麼選擇,因為實在有太多的手機都無法升級到最新的Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich作業系統,而變成了孤兒,更慘的是目前台灣無法使用Android Market
而目前看起來規格較好的就是Samsung GALAXY S2,可是又不想買韓國的手機
最近的Windows Phone 似乎也不錯的樣子,但是對於Microsoft產品有著不太好的使用體驗所以就不考慮了。

接著有空我會分享我個人主觀覺得好用的iOS App

現在我的電腦系統還是Mac OS X 10.6.8,將來也不打算在這台電腦上面升級到10.7
因為這一台2006 late 的Macbook已經到了壽終正寢的年紀了

WiFi Photo Transfer
for iPhone and iPod Touch

Size: 2.0 MB
Language: English
Seller: Voxeloid Kft.
© 2010 Janos Barkai
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 4.0 or later.





不過這裡所下載的照片並不包含Exif的資訊,必須在上一個畫面選擇Download in zip才會有Exif資訊而且可以一次選擇多張照片一起打包成zip壓縮格式下載

其實一開始我並不知道使用Download in zip才會出現Exif資訊
以下是info的文字說明(擷取圖片後使用Free Online OCR來將圖片中的文字辨識轉換成文字檔案,很方便)


Wifi Photo Transfer

A few hints you might find useful
Images downloaded one-by-one are rotated to correct orientation, but without EXIF information. Images downloaded in a compressed .zip are the original files from the iPhone's library, with their EXIF metadata. This includes geolocations, and this is why you may be prompted to allow access to geolocation information.
The web interface is only accessible when the app is running in the foreground. The other computer must be on the same wifi subnetwork. If everything else fails, restart the app.
If you are using Safari on your desktop computer you should also be able to find the app's site with Bonjour.
With many browsers you need to right-click on the "get the .mov file" link and select "Save as" (or similar) to download the movie file instead of playing it instantly.

Password protection

You can also configure the app to require a password for its website, so that only you (or your friends) can access the photos. With some browsers you may need to check a "remember this password" option if you don't want to be asked for it continously. You can also limit access to only one library if you want to share some photos with a friend, but don't want to make all of the libraries visible. Probably your browser will ask for a username and a password, but you can type in any username, only the password is checked.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Where are the zipped files saved to? It depends on the browser you are using to access the pages of the app. Most browser will ask you to select a destination to save. Some of them will save it to a default folder without asking. In some browsers you may find it easier to first cancel the download, and then right-click on the "here" link, which will bring up a dialog the select the target folder.

The browser says: can't connect to server / can't open page! web page unaccessible / etc... Why? First make sure that you have correctly entered the address. Mind the dots, and the colon. If this doesn't help check that the device running the app, and the one with the browser are on the same wifi subnetwork. (connecting to the same router / access-point). If everything seems to be correct perhaps a firewall or some other network software / device is blocking access.

Can I transfer photos from my desktop computer to my iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch?

No, the app currently only supports transfering in one direction: from the device it is running on.

version 1.4.2, written by Janos Barkai
3rd Party libraries used: CocoaHTTPServer - BSD License , (c) 2006, Deusty Designs, LLC AppiRater - MIT /X11 License , (c) 2008, Arash Payan

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